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We are pleased to announce more R&D funding for pathogen detection within the apiculture industry. Ministry for Primary Industries invests $150k in DNAiTECH’s ongoing programme to develop apiculture diagnostics through the Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund. We are creating the assays, the microfluidic devices, and the hardware so that beekeepers can test for the disease at the hive. Apiculture New Zealand's April article on DNAiTECH's American Foulbrood and varroa mite detection program can be found here.

DNAiTECH: new technologies for apiculture

DNAiTECH: new technologies for apiculture


Loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)  |  Point-of-care diagnostics (POC) 

LAMP-CRISPR  |  PLACID – paper-based LAMP-CRISPR integrated diagnostics

S-TECH nucleic acid isolation for POC diagnostics

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Planet Earth a healthy living space.

Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand | +64 214 29962 |

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