Are you interested in rapid, sensitive, and accurate diagnostics with the potential to meet point-of-care (POC) testing requirements? The R&D team at DNAiTECH is thrilled to share the preprint of their work on developing a paper-based microfluidic platform for detecting nucleic acids with high sensitivity and specificity. Here we use LAMP coupled with CRISPR/Cas12a fluorescent detection technology to accurately signal the presence of LAMP amplified product on a microfluidic paper chip. Check out the link here:

LAMP is powerful. LAMP combined with CRISPR is even more so. It is robust, fast and visually intense. Positive reactions can be seen by the naked eye or captured by a smartphone. We are the first to bring LAMP and CRISPR together on a low-cost paper-based microfluidics chip. This development, and the release of S-TECH, our sample extraction technology, are two significant milestones on our road to developing equitable point-of-care diagnostics.