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Workshop for Teachers, Christchurch 2020

Our first teachers workshop will be facilitated in Christchurch on 15-16th September, 2020. DNAiTECH aims to assist secondary teachers to spark their students’ interest in science and technology by introducing state of the art DNA technologies into their science programs. Ideal for project-based learning, DNAiTECH empowers students to engage with real world environmental issues in their own back yard. This is a two-day intensive workshop for teachers that gives both the theoretical background and practical hands-on experience of using the technology for themselves.

DNAiTECH: new tools aimed to capture students’ interest in science and technology. Find out more>>>

Our program:

Day 1: Session 1: The molecular biology revolution. A short exploration dive into molecular biology, PCR and iso-thermal technologies, tools for DNA amplification & their importance to modern life.

Day 1: Session 2: New tools for teaching biological science, technology and math& environmental issues. DNA tests using DNAiTECH, rationale for these tests, how they work, their relevance for environmental sustainability, NZ Government water quality guidelines and objectives.

Day 1: Session 3: Lab basics. A short session covering basic aspects of lab technologies, using pipettes, mini-centrifuge, handling solutions. DNAiTECH methods theory. Health & Safety issues.

Day 1: Session 4: Hands-on DNAiTECH 1. Practical lab experiment using DNAiTECH amplifying target DNA, experiment design, control samples, and test samples, using the App, program parameters, running the experiment, data analysis, interpreting data.

Day 2: Session 1: Hands-on DNAiTECH 2. Practical experiment using a stream water sample, the complete process from extraction of DNA to running the DNAiTECH experiment and achieving a test result.

Day 2: Session 2: Getting started in the class. Captivating youth, project based authentic learning, students stepping in to the “role” as scientists. Resources for running DNAiTECH in class, alternative options for schools.

Day 2 Session 3: Group discussion, brain-storming ideas and projects for the class and in the field. Integrating NCEA credits, Feedback on the 2020 DNAiTECH Haeata Unlocking Curious Minds program.

Cost: $550 per person (+ GST). For multiple teachers per school $480/person (+ GST).

Venue: St James Hall, 750 Harewood Rd near Christchurch Airport, easy access, free parking, lovely sunny quiet space, 5 min walk to Café Raeward for lunch breaks.

Register here

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